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3 days ago4 min read
Misleading! The Sub-Only Competition Lie!
If sub-only actually promotes more submissions by its very structure, then people are being misled

Jan 318 min read
BJJ Gi Buyers Guide - Things you should know before buying a BJJ GI
How to choose a Gi for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? Here is a comprehensive guide on how to choose a BJJ uniform.

Jan 253 min read
Guard Pullers!! Will BJJ Work In Prison?
Would a guard puller be able to defend their life in prison? What does the high level black belt think they would be able to achieve.

Jan 182 min read
Training BJJ at the same academy with your Significant other? Good or Bad?
Training BJJ at the same academy with your Significant other? Good or Bad?

Jan 113 min read
Remember all the belt promotions during the pandemic?
Remember when so many people are being promoted during the pandemic?

Jan 54 min read
Please Avoid These Mistakes in BJJ.
Good advice for for people who want to start BJJ, just started BJJ or have been in BJJ for a short while.

Dec 28, 20242 min read
Will BJJ Help you Lose Weight? Yes and No!
Why training BJJ may not be helping you lose any weight! Sadly, the truth is, abs are made in the kitchen, not on the mats.

Dec 21, 20242 min read
Should BJJ Blackbelts watch instructional videos?
I know when doing Jiu Jitsu, we’re supposed to drop our ego at the door, but why does it seem like a lot of Black Belts don’t?
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