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BJJ News

David ‘Silverfox’ Karchmer
3 days ago
Misleading! The Sub-Only Competition Lie!
If sub-only actually promotes more submissions by its very structure, then people are being misled

Anon White Belt
Jan 25
Guard Pullers!! Will BJJ Work In Prison?
Would a guard puller be able to defend their life in prison? What does the high level black belt think they would be able to achieve.

Anon White Belt
Jan 18
Training BJJ at the same academy with your Significant other? Good or Bad?
Training BJJ at the same academy with your Significant other? Good or Bad?

Anon White Belt
Dec 21, 2024
Should BJJ Blackbelts watch instructional videos?
I know when doing Jiu Jitsu, we’re supposed to drop our ego at the door, but why does it seem like a lot of Black Belts don’t?

Anon White Belt
Nov 16, 2024
Lower Belt Bullying | A Game A Holes
A-Game A Holes is an article about upper belts in BJJ being dominant instead of helpful to lower belts.

Anon White Belt
Oct 5, 2024
Should BJJ Gym Owners give personal advice?
When is it okay for a BJJ professor to give personal advice to a student? Is there really a time and a place?

Jonathan Latt
Aug 3, 2024
Am I too old to start BJJ?
Your never too old to start BJJ, or are you? BJJ Report looks at why!

BJJ Report | Matthew Tropp
Jul 27, 2024
Does BJJ work without takedowns? Yes and No!
Does BJJ work without takedowns? Yes and No! We fight in a real confrontation the way we train in the gym? We have to become more balanced.

BJJ Report | Matthew Tropp
Jul 13, 2024
Refusing to roll with someone to avoid injury?
Is it ever okay to just pass on a round with someone? How do we say no without offending anyone?

BJJ Report | Matthew Tropp
Apr 13, 2024
Risking the Blackout: BJJ Chokes!
Knowing when to tap when being choked is a very important part of your BJJ journey. Its always good to be safe when practicing Jiu Jitsu.

BJJ Report | Matthew Tropp
Apr 6, 2024
BJJ Class Etiquette: Disruptive Behavior or Respectful Learning?
What happens when a student works on techniques different from the ones being taught in class?

BJJ Report | Matthew Tropp
Mar 9, 2024
Why Being A BJJ Blue Belt Sucks? (and how to become a purple belt)
Why it’s so difficult being a BJJ blue belt? There are many reasons that could contribute to why most Blue Belts quit BJJ.

BJJ Report | Matthew Tropp
Dec 16, 2023
Is it ok to go 100% at a new BJJ School?
Is it good or bad to go 100% when your a guest at another BJJ academy? BJJ Reports view may surprise you!

BJJ Report | Matthew Tropp
Dec 9, 2023
Should I break my training partners arm?
If your training partner doesn't tap while in an armbar should you pop the elbow?

BJJ Report | Matthew Tropp
Nov 11, 2023
Are we drilling correctly or wasting time?
Is drilling a waste of time? In Jiu Jitsu, Can you really rely on muscle memory without the true benefit of real resistance?

BJJ Report | Matthew Tropp
Oct 28, 2023
Who should clean the mats after BJJ Class?
BJJ Report: Who should clean the mats after class, The professor or the students? Both answers are correct however debatable this may be.

BJJ Report | Matthew Tropp
Oct 21, 2023
Why do Purple Belts always miss warm ups?
BJJ Report: Why do Purple Belts always miss warm ups?