20 injuries in 2 years! Why not quit BJJ?
Does getting injured a lot mean its time to quit BJJ?
20 injuries in 2 years! Why not quit BJJ?
Is it ok to go 100% at a new BJJ School?
Gi or No Gi? What's better for a street fight?
If someone in BJJ smells who do you tell?
12 reasons (besides guard pulling) you may get kicked out of a BJJ school.
Warning! NEVER ask a Blackbelt to spar?
6 reasons kids should train BJJ.
What its like to watch your 11 year old daughter train BJJ.
Get pushed? Do you slap? Yes/No/Maybe
BJJ Report: Is BJJ Street Effective? YES!
A Pandemic of Belt Promotions.
Why #everydayporrada isn't helping your waistline! (Anonymous White Belt Article #4)
A-Game A-Holes (lower belt bullying)